Major works:
“Flowering Judas” • “Pale Horse, Pale Rider” • “Noon Wine”
“In a style as invisible as the rhythm of a voice, and as much her own as her own voice, she tells her stories of horror and humiliation and in the doing fills her readers with a rising joy. The exemplary prose that is without waste or extravagance or self-indulgence or display, without any claim for its triumph, is full of pride. And her reader shares in that pride, as well as he might: it is pride in the language, pride in using the language to search out human meanings, pride in the making of a good piece of work.”
—Eudora Welty
Noon Wine
Katherine Anne PorterIn this society of my childhood there were all sorts of tender ways of feeling and thinking, subtle understanding between people in matters of ritual and ceremony; I think in the main a civilized society, and yet, with the underlying, perpetual ominous presence of violence; violence potential that broke through the smooth surface almost without warning, or maybe just without warning to children, who learned later to know the signs.