Oklahoma! 2019: We belong to the land
Some helpful links for students at home: Part II—Literature and poetry resources
Some helpful links for students at home: Part I—History resources
55 organizations in 25 states and DC win funding in Round One of LOA’s World War I and America initiative
Coming attractions: The Booksellers offers a fascinating tour of the rare book world
World War II honor roll: LOA donors dedicate gifts to veterans
A season of vulnerability and hope: On William Carlos Williams’s “Spring and All”
James Thurber: Humor for an age of anxiety
Happy 200th birthday, Susan B. Anthony
“American-original genius” Albert Murray honored with fiftieth anniversary edition of The Omni-Americans
Samuel R. Delany: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Super-Nova
(Re)Introducing R. A. Lafferty, a “Master” for the past, present, and future
The Ursula K. Le Guin–Harold Bloom connection, and other news for Le Guin’s 90th birthday
New animated film honors Edward Field, WWII veteran and a hero on several fronts
Why Richard Henry Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast still appeals to sailors—and young readers
He “lived and breathed literature”—Library of America remembers Harold Bloom, 1930–2019