May 2022

If you believe in LOA’s mission and would like to support our activities in a substantial way, nothing is more helpful than endowing a volume in the series to keep it permanently in print. Your gift will have prominent recognition in the book, and as a Guardian of American Letters you will make a lasting contribution to American culture.
This month’s featured candidate for adoption is Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac & Other Writings on Ecology and Conservation, which gathers all the essential works of this pioneering forester, wildlife manager, ecologist, and environmental visionary. A foundational work of the modern environmental movement, A Sand County Almanac (1949) records the turn of the seasons around the “Shack” Leopold built with his family on an abandoned Wisconsin farm, and culminates with his revolutionary “land ethic”—a manifesto for bringing humanity into right relationship with the natural world that continues to influence and inspire. A Sand County Almanac is joined here by over fifty uncollected articles, essays, and speeches that chart the evolution of Leopold’s ideas over the course of three decades, along with a freshly prepared version of the extraordinary field journals that capture the enthusiasms of this lifelong outdoorsman.
A fully tax-deductible contribution of $75,000 to the Guardians of American Letters Fund will help to keep these cornerstone texts of modern environmental writing in print and available to future generations of readers.
Learn more about becoming a Guardian of American Letters.
• Donors to the Guardians of American Letters Fund
• Complete list of titles available for adoption