“Simply put, it’s important for kids to understand American history and civics.”
“Education is key to freedom.”
“Could there be a time when these writings are more urgently needed? I doubt it.”
—Spring 2022 LOA in the Classroom supporters
Library of America’s Spring 2022 LOA in the Classroom campaign has met with a powerful response as members and donors sent both contributions and heartfelt messages about the need for students nationwide to understand the roots of American democracy.
Thanks to the generosity of those supporters, who are listed in a special Honor Roll below, the Spring 2022 initiative will provide free copies of our anthology American Democracy: 21 Historic Answers to 5 Urgent Questions to educators across the country to enrich their lessons with key writings from our nation’s past that speak with wisdom, passion, and eloquence to issues at the forefront of our national consciousness.
Edited with commentary by acclaimed historian and journalist Nicholas Lemann, American Democracy gathers twenty-one key writings from the nation’s past that speak to five fundamental flashpoints in our political landscape: the boundaries of citizenship; the problem of inequality; the purpose and powers of the federal government; the sway of money and special privilege; and the place of protest and civil disobedience. Selections are as rich and varied as Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “Solitude of Self,” Abraham Lincoln’s Speech to the 166th Ohio Regiment, excerpts from W.E.B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction, and Justice John Paul Stevens’s dissent in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. It’s an insightful collection offering crucial context for today’s headlines and a resource for teachers engaging young people in conversations about our nation’s future.
We thank our generous donors who have helped make our Spring 2022 LOA in the Classroom campaign a success.
The Spring 2022 LOA in the Classroom Honor Roll
List as of 6/24/22
Ralph A. Abernethy
Ralph Alexander
Janet K. Anderson
Lowell Anderson
Eduardo Anzola
Robert A. Apel
Robert E. Ash
David and Susan Askanase
Philip and Nancy Bailey
Linda A. Bajkowsky
Burton C. Baker
Keith Bantz
David A. Bard
Dennis D. Beckmann
William Bedker
Candace and Rick Beinecke
David Beranek
Steven S. Berizzi
David Berry
Blair F. Bigelow
Mary C. Blake
Drs. Annette and Stanley Blaugrund
Neil Blumberg
Stephen S. Bowen
Blair Brainard
Marilyn Bremer
Jeffrey F. Brenny
Orlie T. Brewer, Jr.
Steven H. Brower
Gregory Burley Brown
Ruth K. Brown
Dr. Richard L. Brundige
Suzanne V. Buffamanti
Brian and Lori Burton
H. James Buske
Sam and Sally Butler
Gregory Byrer
Dennis A. Caine
Trippe Callahan, Jr.
Priscilla C. Campbell
William S. Carpenter, Jr.
Jared Carr
Alan E. Case
Andre Castaybert
Dino J. Caterini
Timothy M. Cena
William A. Chamberlain
Ellen Chesler and Matthew J. Mallow
David W. Clark
Robert R. Cline
Gary E. Clyde
James R. Commers
C. Randolph Coney
Thomas E. Connolly
James Cooke
Wayne P. Cooper
Janis G. Courson
Robert W. Cover II
Thomas R. Cowan
Nancy L. Crouse
Greg D. Cusack
Jean Dalenberg
Thomas Daly
Hubert O. Davis, Jr.
Larry Davis
John E. De Groot
T. Fuller Dean
Gary A. Debele
Arthur Dellinger, Jr.
Michael J. DeLoye
Edward A. Dimmick
Mamadou K. Diouf
Thomas E. Domich
John Donnelly
Dr. Sharon E. Dunn
Joseph R. Duquette
J. Porter Durham, Jr.
Ronald Durnford
Gary Eaves
Martin C. Edelson
Donald E. Elder
Phyllis D. Elkins
Robert and Colleen Elliott
Monica A. Evans
Mic and Stephanie Farris
Steven L. Ferrell
David Fettig
R. Bruce Finch
Lee L. Fischler
Leslie Flemming
Robert J. Foley
Travis C. Foster
Michael J. Friedman
Robin A. Friedman
Carrie Frye
Gregory and Carol Fullerton
Mary Gaitan
Donald Gertmenian
Charles C. Gilbert III
Brian C. Gillum
Mike Gilmer
Peter F. Golden
Robert Grant
Dominick J. Graziano
Thomas W. Green III
Mark H. Gregory
Robert W. Gruska
Martin Halacy
Glenn Halberstadt
Mary Hall
William Edward Hall
William D. Hamilton
Prof. James E. Hartley
James and Kathleen Hatchell
Wade B. Haubert, Jr.
Kellyanne Healey
Kathryn Heeszel
Brian J. Heidtke
William Heimel
Harold Henke
John E. Herbst
M. Rick Hibbard
Harold J. Hicks
Deidre Veronica Hill
Jan Hilley
Mark Hiser
Mark Hoose
Anne Horan
David J. Horne
Glen Horstman
Helen and Frank Houghton
Beth F. Houston
Dale W. Hughes
Peter Humphreys
Cheryl Hurley
David Hurley
Francine Hyde
Erin L. Ireland, Jr.
Orton P. Jackson, Jr.
Mark E. Jacobs
Stephen L. Jantzen
Doug Jenen
Nizar Jetha
Mark A. Johnson
M. Joiner
Steven Jonas, M.D.
Jalina Jovkovich
Herbert Juli
Sarah Kagan
Richard and Katherine Kahan
Marc D. Kaye
Kathleen K. Keeshen, Ph.D.
Michael Kelty
Kelly Kincannon
Bob and Olivia Kiwor
Robert Klebes
William S. Klocek
James Kolling
Linda Koons
Larry Koontz
Robert Kossler
Dennis J. Kosterman
Christine A. Koyanagi
Mark and Lisa Krosse
Carol Krupski
Reba Kruse
Mark and Elisabeth Kuhlman
Joan Kung-Levy
David Kurtz
Jessica Kusiak-Peters
Anne Lackey
Lance Larsen
Jack O. Lawson
Jill Le Grand
David L. Leal
Paul and Judy Leavis
Roger E. LeBeau
Joseph and Mercedes LeBlanc
Don LeDuc
Christopher Leonard
Harry Kay Lesser, Jr.
Michael A. Leven
Michael Levin
Harris Levy
Lynda Lochner
Carol Loving
Erik R. Loy
Thomas W. Lozinsky, Jr.
Roseanne T. Lucianek
Elizabeth Lynch
Matthew R. Lynde
Margaret Maciborka
Denise C. MacRae
Robert C. Maggio
Thomas J. Mann
Stuart Markowitz
Cheryl A. Martin
James C. and Charlotte G. Martin
Janice Martin
Francis M. Martinez
Laurin G. Martinson
Edward Maruszewski
Brooks K. Mason
Edwin S. and Patricia Barnes Matthews
Kaaryn McCall
Jill McDonough
Thomas J. McGonigle
Margaret McKeon-Baker
Brian Meoni
Charles L. Meyer
Noel J. Milan
Aaron Milbank
James P. Miller
Peter H. Miller
Tammy M. B. Miller
Kirk Monfort and Billie Kanter
Mildred V. Morganstern
Steven and Lynda Morley
George L. Moses
Judith Muncy
Philip Murphy
Joseph A. Murray, Jr.
Martin and Lucille Murray
Erik A. Nelson
Michael Nicholas
Jonathan Nicols
James Norment
Arthur S. Nusbaum
Sidney Offit
James Olesen
Mary Olsen
Gary M. Olson
Dustin Onuska
Sandy and Gene O’Sullivan
Jessica Otey
Carolyn and Jerry Ouderkirk
Tari Pantaleo
William Patterson
William P. Pearre
Rodney W. Pease
Harry C. Peddicord
John Pennington
Michael Piazza
Wayne and Laurie Pipke
Mark Planellas
Jan-Willem Poels-Luna
Wayne and Mary Donna Pound
Brent Porter
Richard and Ann Posey
Candice A. Potter
Benita and Stephen Potters
April and Matthew Quilter
Alice F. Quinn
Marjorie Rapp
William Rawson
Judith Raymo
Michael Recene
Joseph R. Reilly
Kevin M. Reynolds
Robert S. Rifkind
Dr. Robert V. Riordan
William J. Robbins
Peter James Rogers, Jr.
Benjamin M. Rosen
Stephen A. Rothman
Louis Rothschild
Nancy Rudolph
Hugh Ruppersburg
Fleet E. Rust
Julia A. Ryan
John A. Sahayda
Stuart P. Salomon
Ms. Mary Jo Salter
George D. Schneickert
Andrew Schneider
Daniel C. Schuler
Larry Schumann
Mark Sciegaj
Barbara B. Scripps
Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts
Dr. Michael L. Seewer
J. Edward Seiber
David Sgorbati
K. C. Shankland
Nancy and Steve Shapiro
Catherine Share
Daniel M. Sibo
Marc Simoneau
Jack Simpson
Kent H. Skinner
Robert H. Slover II
Clayton Smith
Ward and Carolyn Smith
Ron Smith
Melanie Smith
Michael K. Smith
Elizabeth Smolinski
David Soden
Roberta L. Spalding
Robert and Kate Speckman
Robert E. Sterling
Shale Stiller and Ellen Heller
Walter Stine
William P. Stokes
David Strollo
Ted P. Stry
John D. Stull
Mark Summa
R. B. Summitt II
Jill Switzer
John D. Tabor
Peter R. Talbot
G. Thomas Tanselle
Timothy Tessin
Gerald J. Thain
Mary S. Thomasset
Kristen Thompson
Nye S. Thuesen
Richard Timko
Christopher Tobias
Louis Tornatzky
Sue L. Tuell
Kenneth Turan and Patricia Williams
Cecilia Tyne
Graham Underwood
Peter E. Upton
William L. Upton
James C. Van Dongen
Ronald Walcott
Richard F. Wall
Christine Walsh
Michael Wandler
Jay L. Ward
Dr. Richard Wardrop and Mrs. Sarah Wardrop
Susan K. Weatherbee
John J. Wehner, Jr.
Patrick F. Weyer
Carol Wheeler
Stephen R. Whyte
Gary Wiesendanger
Alicia R. Williams
Charles R. Williamson
Dave A. Wilson, Jr.
Tracy L. Wise
Kees Witteman
Carl A. Wolfrum, Jr.
Daniel Wulff
Chris Yorgason
Charles R. Young
David J. Young
Patrick A. Young
Elizabeth M. Zahn
William Zales
John F. Zeugner
List as of 6/24/22
(To correct or update a listing, please send an e-mail to lists@loa.org.)