December 2021

If you believe in LOA’s mission and would like to support our activities in a substantial way, nothing is more helpful than endowing a volume in the series to help keep it permanently in print. Your gift will have prominent recognition in the book, and as a Guardian of American Letters you will make a lasting contribution to American culture.
This month’s featured candidate for adoption is Shirley Jackson: Novels & Stories, edited by Joyce Carol Oates, which presents the essential novels and stories that wittily reinvented the genre of psychological horror for postwar America. Here are The Lottery (1949), Jackson’s only collection of short fiction, whose chilling title story became one of the most widely anthologized tales of the twentieth century (and generated the most mail The New Yorker had ever received for a work of fiction); the masterly short novels The Haunting of Hill House (1959) and We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962); and twenty-one other stories and sketches that showcase Jackson in all her many modes.
A fully tax-deductible contribution of $75,000 to the Guardians of American Letters Fund will ensure that Jackson’s fictions—increasingly recognized as an essential part of the American literary heritage—remain available for current and future generations of readers.
Learn more about becoming a Guardian of American Letters.
• Donors to the Guardians of American Letters Fund
• Complete list of titles available for adoption