The extraordinary events of 2020 and 2021 have forcefully reminded Americans of the power of political leadership—and how profoundly connected it is to the power of language. It is, for young people, a teachable moment, and Library of America is taking the opportunity to help them gain appreciation of perhaps the greatest writer ever to hold elected office in our country.
Thanks to the generosity of our members and donors—listed in a special Honor Roll below—the 2021 LOA in the Classroom initiative will place free copies of Abraham Lincoln: Selected Speeches & Writings in the hands of secondary school teachers in all fifty states.
Confronting a crisis that was tearing the nation apart, Abraham Lincoln found the words to define the conflict for his time and beyond, framing the great issues of the day with a transcendent eloquence and moral vision that shaped public sentiment and, in a perilous hour, altered the course of the nation’s history for the better. There is no greater example of democratic leadership, an example we should ensure that rising generations of Americans always remember.
Selected by the late Don E. Fehrenbacher, Pulitzer Prize–winning historian and pre-eminent Lincoln scholar, Abraham Lincoln: Selected Speeches and Writings collects more than 200 speeches, messages, proclamations, public and private letters, memoranda, and fragments from throughout Lincoln’s life in a paperback edition published with students in mind.
It’s not too late to participate in this year’s LOA in the Classroom initiative. You can make a donation to help bring Lincoln’s writings to the young people who will be the next leaders of our nation, and we will gratefully recognize your gift in the Honor Roll below.
The 2021 LOA in the Classroom Honor Roll
List as of 6/14/21
The following individuals demonstrated their commitment to the mission of Library of America, and to sharing Lincoln’s timeless writings with students nationwide, by making a generous contribution to this year’s LOA in the Classroom campaign:
David and Melanie Alpers
Erik A. Amundson
Bruce T. Anderson
Lowell Anderson
Robert B. Anderson
Raymond W. Ashley
Kevin Atkins
Philip and Nancy Bailey
Retta Baines
David A. Bard
Kenneth E. Barden
Michael Baron
Robert C. Baron
John W. Barth
Nancy Beals
Albert C. Bellas
John E. Bentley
Kate Berry
Mary C. Blake
Paul J. Blake
Wade and Jamie Boese
Anne J. Borland
Brendan Bovaird
Stephen S. Bowen
Blair Brainard
Scott W. Brandon
Iris Brest
Richard O. Briggs
Gerald Broock
Bruce A. Brown
George S. Brown
Dr. Richard L. Brundige
Anne M. Buckley
Brian and Lori Burton
Jeremiah Burton
H. James Buske
Sam and Sally Butler
Jerry M. Byrd
Alvin A. Calhoun
Andreea Campobasso
Peter Capp
William S. Carpenter, Jr.
Calvin Carr
Alan E. Case
Steven and Melody Charno
Kenneth Chase
Adele Chatfield-Taylor and John Guare
Gary S. Chicoine
Shobha D. Chitre
Monica Chrzan
Robert R. Cline
Gary T. Cocks
Ariel Colburn
Tim Coley
James S. Collins
Donald B. Condie and Mary Haskell
David Cook
Donald R. Cooney
Molly L. Cormaney
Janis G. Courson
Robert W. Cover II
Gail Covington
Thomas R. Cowan
Alice D. Cox
Nancy L. Crouse
Juliette Dauterive
Allan W. Davidson
Brian J. Davis
Gary A. Debele
Peter DeGiglio
Emme and Jonathan Deland
Richard O. Della Porta
Arthur Dellinger, Jr.
Michael J. DeLoye
Viet Q. Do
Frank M. Donlevy
Thomas V. Donovan
Robert Doonan
Michael M. Dorcy
Noah Duell
J. Porter Durham, Jr.
Clinton H. East
Moira Egan
Mary Ehlers-Pearman
Madeline Einhorn Glick
Donald E. Elder
Leslie K. Elion
Douglas Elkins
Richard A. Elliott
Charles Erker
James Ferguson
David Fettig
E. C. Fields
Prof. John V. Fleming
Tom Fontana
Michael J. Forster
Donald Fox
Scott Frith
Ronald H. Fritze
Maria Gapotchenko
Ronald A. Garfunkel
Cathy L. Gatley
Linda Gawthrop
Louis H. Geeraerts
Carol C. Gibson
Charles C. Gilbert III
Michael Gilchrist
George Gilmore
Jeffery Goldman
Karen and Dónal Kevin Gordon
Michael J. Green
Patricia E. Green
Thomas W. Green III
Ezra Greenspan
Marsha Griggs
Robert W. Gruska
Clifford Hackett
Bobbi J. Hager
Glenn Halberstadt
Jerry D. Haldeman
Roger L. Hale
Michael Hall
William Edward Hall
William D. Hamilton
Joseph A. Harder
Bob Harris
John W. Harrison
Gary K. Hart
Prof. James E. Hartley
David L. Hay
William Heimel
Stephen W. Ryder and Nicola Helm
Gwen M. Henderson
Matthew N. Hendryx
Steven A. Hensley
William Herschman
Dan R. Hildreth
William U. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Claire Fox Hillard
Jan Hilley
Mark Hiser
Stephen Hitchcock
William T. Hoffman
William Hogan
James F. Hoge, Jr.
Eric J. Holdaway
Marvin G. Hollis
Mark Hoose
Helen and Frank Houghton
Beth F. Houston
Frank Howard
Benjamin G. Huff
Dale W. Hughes
Cheryl Hurley
Jerome M. Hurowitz
Joseph Hyman
M. Thomas Inge
Mark Irwin
Orton P. Jackson, Jr.
Stephen Jervey
Nizar Jetha
Robert D. Johnson
Kenneth Johnston
William P. Jollie
Jalina Jovkovich
Richard and Katherine Kahan
Michael H. Kalkstein
Thomas P. Kane
Jordan Katz and Ellen Schleifer
Eileen Kavanagh
John W. Kelly
Michael J. Kenny
David A. D. Key
Mary and Selby Kiffer
Patricia D. Klingenstein
Dennis J. Kosterman
Fanny S. Kraiem
Mark and Elisabeth Kuhlman
Stefan Kwiatkowski
Gary M. Lambert
Roger E. LeBeau
Don LeDuc
Michael B. Lehrman
Harry Kay Lesser, Jr.
Michael A. Leven
Harris Levy
Patrick J. Long
Carol Loving
Gary and Diane Lowderback
Roseanne T. Lucianek
Bradley N. Lundell
David J. Lundsten
David Luterman
Matthew R. Lynde
Susan T. Mackenzie
Robert C. Maggio
David Mahon
Thomas J. Mann
Sara Marbach
Stuart Markowitz
Laurin G. Martinson
Brooks K. Mason
Merrill J. Matchett
Shawn Maus
Richard C. McCullough, Jr.
Monica and Thomas McGonigle
Andrew C. McLaughlin
Patrick J. McNally
John L. McNulty
Walter M. Meade
Michal S. Mello
Jack W. Mendelsohn
Brian Meoni
Nathan L. Miczo
James P. Miller
James D. Moore
Mario and Irene Morales
James T. Morley, Jr.
Steven and Lynda Morley
Joseph A. Motil
Barry Mowday
Thomas G. Mueller
Michelle Mulvey
Martin and Lucille Murray
Robert Nardini
Kenneth Nassau
James T. Nelson
David C. and Barbara C. Newman
Annette C. Nicolai
Richard Nonn
William Nugent, Jr.
Arthur S. Nusbaum
James D. Olesen
Mary Olsen
Gary M. Olson
Lawrence and Rebecca Ore
Sandy and Gene O’Sullivan
Robert A. Oszakiewski
Benjamin H. Parker
Fred N. Parker
David N. Pearce
William P. Pearre
Donald B. Percival
Linda A. Perez
Karen Petley
Roger Phillips
Howard R. Pierce
Daniel Pohuly
Joel Policzer
James S. Polliard
Mary D. Pond
Charles E. Poole
Brent Porter
Christopher and Stephanie Porterfield
Candice A. Potter
Benita and Stephen Potters
Robert L. Pounder
Anthony H. Powell
Michael A. Pysno
Michael J. Quigley
Prabhaker Ramakrishnan
Thomas A. Reed
Dennis M. Reese
John Rehak
Max Reinhart
Kevin M. Reynolds
Donna and Martin Rich
James F. Richardson
John and Joyce Richardson
Robert S. Rifkind
William J. Robbins
Karen Roberts
Elizabeth M. Rochlin
Herminio Rodriguez
James W. Rook
Michael Rosenblum
George W. Ross
Sharon C. Ross
Meredith and Michael Rotko
Karen and Karl Rove
Charles P. Royer
Peter Russell
James Rutherford
Stuart P. Salomon
Lisa Day Sandstrom
Jill A. Sansone
Chris T. Schmidt
Lee Schneider
Frank Schulenburg
Larry Schumann
John R. Schweers
Danny N. Scott
Dr. Michael L. Seewer
Thomas J. Seghini
Dr. Carole Shaffer-Koros
Catherine Share
Julia Vahey Shea
Keith N. Shenberger
Daniel M. Sibo
Harry L. Siler
Neil Silver
Marc P. Simoneau
Howe K. Sipes III
David S. Slater
Clayton Smith
Mark Smith
Melanie Smith
Neal F. Smith
Charles W. Snyder
Robert and Kate Speckman
Steven Spiegel
Howard K. Spurling
David W. Spurlock
Robert E. Sterling
Shale Stiller and Ellen Heller
Will Stotts
David Strollo
Ted P. Stry
John D. Tabor
G. Thomas Tanselle
Sally and Jerry E. Tanselle
James D. Taylor
Mary S. Thomasset
Nye S. Thuesen
Kari Thyne
Richard Timko
David Toberisky
Christopher Tobias
Lorraine H. Truitt
Sue L. Tuell
Kenneth Turan and Patricia Williams
Cecilia Tyne
Peter E. Upton
William L. Upton
James C. Van Dongen
Luis Varela
Guy A. Velgos
Michael Viggiano
James R. Vine
Joanne Wallin
Christine Walsh
Jay L. Ward
Dr. Richard Wardrop and Mrs. Sarah Wardrop
Robert B. Warren
Ms. Sue K. Weatherbee
Janet and Ethan Welch
Patrick F. Weyer
Carol Wheeler
Kimberly D. White
Anita Volz Wien & Byron Wien
Tappan Wilder
Alicia R. Williams
Charles R. Williamson
Roddy Gilbert Willis
Seth Wilpan
Dave A. Wilson, Jr.
Leslie Wilson
Reuben H. Wilson
Geoffrey R. Winterowd
Harriet P. Wiygul
Larry and Carole Woiwode
Beverly Woodward
Daniel Wulff
Chris Yorgason
David J. Young
Edmund J. Zaharewicz
List as of 6/14/21
(To correct or update a listing, please send an e-mail to lists@loa.org.)