As Americans discuss the fundamentals of our democracy with more and more urgency, Library of America is spearheading education about the constitution in classrooms nationwide. With support from our generous members and donors—listed on a special Honor Roll below—our 2020 LOA in the Classroom initiative will place free copies of _The Essential Debate on the Constitution in the hands of secondary school teachers in all fifty states.
Designed with students in mind, the concise paperback volume provides a front-row seat to the dramatic original debates—on presidential power, religious liberty, the threat of foreign and domestic corruption, the balance of power between the federal government and the states, and more—that continue to dominate news headlines and ignite our political discourse. More than sixty newspaper articles, pamphlets, speeches, and private letters illuminate how the Founders wrestled with these questions in arguments that have much to teach us today.
Recognizing the unusual challenges currently faced by educators, this year Library of America will provide this essential teaching resource in two different formats—both free of charge. Teachers will receive copies of The Essential Debate on the Constitution and will be able to download a special online edition to share with students in classrooms and in distance-learning environments.
It’s not too late to participate in this year’s LOA in the Classroom initiative. You can make a donation to support education about the Constitution here, and we will gratefully recognize your gift in the Honor Roll below.
(High school social studies teachers: Check back in mid-May for information on requesting a copy of the book, or add yourself to our e-mail list to receive alerts about this initiative and other programs for teachers and students.)
The 2020 LOA in the Classroom Honor Roll
List as of 6/23/20
The following individuals demonstrated their commitment to the mission of Library of America and to education about the U.S. Constitution with a generous contribution to this year’s LOA in the Classroom campaign:
Elizabeth and Norman Alexander
David and Melanie Alpers
Barrie Althoff
Lowell Anderson
Anonymous, in memory of Barbara Hartley
Terry C. Anschutz II
Sandra L. Armstrong
Dierdre H. Arntz
Raymond W. Ashley
Alex Ashlock
Stephen Avery
Joan R. Baer
Benjamin and Deborah Baker
Frances Balfour
David A. Bard
Roger A. Bartlett
Frances Bauer
Ronald J. Beaton
Dennis D. Beckmann
Candace and Rick Beinecke
Lynn S. Bemiller
David Beranek
Mike Berlin
William Beyer
Dana and Saya Bliss
Janice Bockmeyer
Wade and Jamie Boese
Kevin S. Borgard
Kent H. Borges
Thomas A. Bosarge
James R. Bostwick, Jr.
Blair Brainard
William G. Brantley and Jean Anderson
Marilyn Bremer
David C. Brittain
Daniel R. Bruckner
William T. Buice III
Clarke M. Burke
Brian and Lori Burton
Jeremiah Burton
Jerry M. Byrd
Gregory Byrer
Dennis A. Caine
Priscilla C. Campbell
Jeffrey L. Canfield
Thomas Carey
William S. Carpenter, Jr.
Alan E. Case
Daniel D. Chabris
Peter D. Christofferson
Patrice Christophe
Bradley R. Clark
D. Sherman Clarke
Merlyn Clarke
Rob Cline
Ariel Colburn
Dr. Joel Conarroe
David Cook
Joyce Cook
Wayne P. Cooper
Sonia Cosme
Richard B. Counts
Bruce Courtade
Robert W. Cover II
Thomas R. Cowan
Dr. Dick Nash Creager
Nancy L. Crouse
James C. Cundiff
Greg Cusack
John Dagati
Elizabeth Daniel-Stone
Joan K. Danylak
Jerome F. Dausman
Susan DeWitt Davie
B.J. Davis
Randy De Kler
Gary A. Debele
Arthur Dellinger, Jr.
Michael J. DeLoye
John E. Dieter III
James E. Dietsch
Edward A. Dimmick
Linda Discotto
Dylan Distasio
Allyson Dolfi
Robert Doonan
Michael M. Dorcy
Alan H. Dorfman
George A. Drake
Gregory and Sandra Dudley
Noah Duell
J. Porter Durham, Jr.
Jacob A. Easdale
Frederic L. Edelman
Robert Edmiston
Madeline Einhorn-Glick
Edward A. Espinoza
Barry J. Evans
Kathryn H. Fitzpatrick
Prof. John V. Fleming
Diane A. Fogg
Laurel Forward
Michael J. Friedman
Patrick Gahan
Donald Gertmenian
Charles C. Gilbert III
Michael Gilchrist
Brian C. Gillum
Harry Gilmer
Margaret Goodlander
Karen and Dónal Kevin Gordon
Peter C. Gorman
Dominick J. Graziano
Thomas W. Green III
Aaron J. Gregory
George P. Griffin
Marsha Griggs
Robert W. Gruska
Peggy T. Haas
William E. Hall
William D. Hamilton
Walter T. Hampson
Joshua Hance
Alton D. Hardman
Bob Harris
Gary K. Hart
Prof. James E. Hartley
James and Kathleen Hatchell
Kellyanne Healey
Frederick W. Heath
Andrew S. Hedden
Steven Hedges
William Heimel
Gayl B. Heinz
Gwen M. Henderson
William Herschman
Harold Hicks
Gary Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Claire Fox Hillard
Kenneth Hittel
Adam J. Hodges
William T. Hoffman
Thomas W. Holland, Jr.
Glen Horstman
Beth F. Houston
Benjamin G. Huff
Dale W. Hughes
Jerry Hurowitz
Daniel Hwang
Dennis Hyland
Orton P. Jackson, Jr.
Stephanie Jacobs
Douglas James
Doug Jenen
Nizar Jetha
William Jongeward
Jalina Jovkovich
Henry C. Kancler
Loretta Kane
Marc D. Kaye
Robert V. Keirans
John Kelly
Richard H. Kendall
Gregory Kerwood
Paul Kieft
Fletcher G. Kinne
Stephen E. Kitchen
Robert Klebes
Patricia D. Klingenstein
Martin Knapp-Cordes
Jack Knight
Daniel Kogge
Allen L. Kohn
James Kolling
Dennis Kosterman
Dick Krause
Mark and Lisa Krosse
Mark and Elisabeth Kuhlman
Harris J. Kuhn
Linda F. and Julian L. Lapides
Robin Lasell
Paul and Judy Leavis
Michael Lehrman
Harry Kay Lesser, Jr.
Michael A. Leven
Harris Levy
Shang A. Lew
Raymond Linder
Susan London
Carol Loving
David and Barbara Lowman
Erik R. Loy
Michael F. Lynch
Matthew R. Lynde
Denise C. MacRae
Michael E. Malamut
Thomas J. Mann
Richard G. Marcis
Stuart Markowitz
Francis M. Martinez
Laurin G. Martinson
Mark Masters
James P. Matsoukas
Robert D. Matthews
William McAleer
Richard C. McCullough, Jr.
Michael McDaniel
Monica & Thomas McGonigle
Jack W. Mendelsohn
Suzanne S. Metheny
Dale M. Meyers
Reverend Louis Craig Michel
Jonathan Middlebrook
Aaron Milbank
Peter H. Miller
Ronald A. Mills
Robert Mitchell, Jr.
Thomas Molchan
George Molitoris
Kirk Monfort
Scott and Marilyn Montgomery
Dale E. Moore
Mario and Irene Morales
Steven and Lynda Morley
James M. Morris
Shawn H. Morton
Scott A. Mueller
Hugh K. Myers
Charles R. Naef
Robert Nardini
Kenneth Nassau
Allen H. Nelson
Erik A. Nelson
Patricia M. Niehoff
Gary Novara
Arthur S. Nusbaum
John T. O’Brien, Jr.
William F. Olive, Jr.
Mary Olsen
Lawrence and Rebecca Ore
Catherine O. Orloske
Eric G. Osborne
Sandy and Gene O’Sullivan
Robert A. Oszakiewski
Roberta R. Palen
Stephen Paley
Harry C. Peddicord
Justin D. Peters
Gerald W. Phillips
Wayne and Laurie Pipke
Elliott B. Pollack
James S. Polliard
Brent Porter
Christopher Porterfield
Candice A. Potter
Benita and Stephen Potters
Steven V. Priest
Michael A. Pysno
Barry V. Qualls
Randal Quarles
Harold Ramage
Alice Rand
John W. Rankin
John A. Rdzak
Kevin M. Reynolds
James F. Richardson
Marion T. Richardson
Robert S. Rifkind
Dr. Robert V. Riordan
Carolyn E. Ritchie
Herminio Rodriguez
Leslie L. Rondin
Karl and Karen Rove
Nicole Rudick
Fleet E. Rust
George Rutkoski
Bernard Salanie
Charles E. Saydah
Anthony and Deborah Schiro
Carol B. Schoen
Edward F. Schuyler, Jr.
Barbara B. Scripps
Dr. Michael L. Seewer
Jana Selk
Lorraine Shanley
Judith Shapiro
Robert M. Shapter
Patrick J. Shaughnessy
Michael Sheeley
Brent Shenk
Linda J. Shorey
Joshua R. Simmons
Dr. Peter Simon
Marc P. Simoneau
Kevan T. Slattery
Clayton Smith
James M. Smith
LaVerne Smith
Mark Smith
Robert and Kate Speckman
Douglas R. Stahl
Daniel M. Staicer
Major and Mrs. Ray Stark
Robert E. Sterling
Shale Stiller and Ellen Heller
Wendel C. Stoltz
David Strollo
Ted P. Stry
Bernardo Suarez-Arbelaez
Desiree R. Surplus
John D. Tabor
M. Shimazu Takahashi
Andrew Talbot
R. Gordon Talley
Sally and Jerry E. Tanselle
Gerald J. Thain
Bette M. Thompson
Mark Thomson
Terence Thum
Kari Thyne
Richard Timko
Christopher Tobias
Amor Towles
Joseph Truitt
Sue L. Tuell
Peter E. Upton
William L. Upton
Paul Van Zwalenburg
Guy A. Velgos
Charles Ver Hoeve
James R. Vine
Jeanette Sarkisian Wagner
Darrell E. Ward
Jay L. Ward
Donald W. Warner, Jr.
Erin Weaver
Grant R. Weber
Michael B. Weinstein
James B. Wheeler
Gary Wiesendanger
Alicia R. Williams
Bradley B. Williams, Ph.D.
Christopher Williams
Charles R. Williamson
Roddy Gilbert Willis
Ford A. Willoughby
Dave A. Wilson
Carl A. Wolfrum, Jr.
Jeffrey S. Wood
Corey Wright
Daniel Wulff
Chris Yorgason
Herbert Zinn
List as of 6/23/20
(To correct or update a listing, send an e-mail to lists@loa.org.)