Lary Wallace: How Fort Dix prepared Michael Herr for Dispatches
The Grapes of Wrath at Seventy-Five: 1939–2014
Foundations underwrite LOA’s new program to train teachers in using environmental texts
Funding now available to explore America’s role in WWI and its relevance 100 years later
A new “model of black selfhood,” and a heroine ahead of her time, in Their Eyes Were Watching God
Robert Lipsyte describes how Cassius Clay met The Beatles
Forty years ago, the first Muhammad Ali–Joe Frazier bout, “The Fight of the Century,” linked their legends forever
Scholars rediscover three forgotten stories by Zora Neale Hurston
Photos: A party in the park celebrates Frederick Law Olmsted
Library of America remembers its founding president and life trustee Daniel Aaron, 1912–2016
Photos: Ohio University honors LOA President for her commitment to literature
Announcing: The Spring 2016 Hamilton Tickets Giveaway
NEH grant helps fund major LOA program marking 100th anniversary of U.S. entry into World War I
Eudora Welty and William Maxwell: Letters formed a fifty-year friendship
Abigail Adams on the divisive election of 1800: “universal confusion will be the concequence”
How Louisa May Alcott revolutionized the “book for girls” with Little Women