In London, LOA founding trustee receives major award for a lifetime of scholarship
Suzanne Vega talks about Carson McCullers
The Centurions: Ralph Ellison and Albert Murray
Nathanael West as online muse
Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie: America’s pure product and the gift of a young virgin
Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn, and how to sell a banned book
Tom Sawyer’s Mississippi comes to panoramic full-color life in new Metropolitan Museum exhibition
Ursula K. Le Guin, “the emissary from Orsinia,” crosses borders and challenges expectations
A daughter chooses her favorite Bernard Malamud story
All the New World’s a stage for 2016’s major Shakespeare anniversary
Happy trails: Library of America co-stars in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton signoff
Forthcoming from Library of America: Spring–Summer 2017
What Michael Herr didn’t tell Stanley Kubrick
Lary Wallace: How Fort Dix prepared Michael Herr for Dispatches
The Grapes of Wrath at Seventy-Five: 1939–2014
Foundations underwrite LOA’s new program to train teachers in using environmental texts