Morgan Library exhibition on Henry James beautifully reveals how “the arts are one”
Cautionary tale as catharsis in Ross Macdonald’s The Instant Enemy
Updating a life: The case of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
Gatsby as noir: The genesis of Ross Macdonald’s Black Money
Emerson, Agassiz, and the mind of God
Library of America announces new leadership in its thirty–fifth year
Museum exhibition presents Thoreau’s journal as a monument to the examined life
Photos: A short tour of Walden Pond before Henry David Thoreau’s bicentennial
In Berkeley, a big series claims the big screen for Women Crime Writers
Library of America welcomes A. Scott Berg and Michael Bierut to new leadership roles
35 years and a night to remember [Photos]
Seven writers, including Alexander Hamilton and Frederick Law Olmsted, enter New York State Writers Hall of Fame
Photos: New American Writers Museum in Chicago celebrates written word as a democratic medium
Library of America marks thirty-five years as curator of America’s written heritage
Forthcoming from Library of America: Winter–Spring 2018
With It’s All One Case, a designer and collector has Ross Macdonald covered