Around the corner from the revolution: Ursula K. Le Guin’s Hainish stories
Free promotions, book signing with Jonathan Lethem highlight LOA debut at the Brooklyn Book Festival
John Ashbery translates Rimbaud’s Illuminations, “the book that made poetry modern”
Morgan Library exhibition on Henry James beautifully reveals how “the arts are one”
Cautionary tale as catharsis in Ross Macdonald’s The Instant Enemy
Updating a life: The case of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
Gatsby as noir: The genesis of Ross Macdonald’s Black Money
Emerson, Agassiz, and the mind of God
Library of America announces new leadership in its thirty–fifth year
Museum exhibition presents Thoreau’s journal as a monument to the examined life
Photos: A short tour of Walden Pond before Henry David Thoreau’s bicentennial
In Berkeley, a big series claims the big screen for Women Crime Writers
Library of America welcomes A. Scott Berg and Michael Bierut to new leadership roles
35 years and a night to remember [Photos]
Seven writers, including Alexander Hamilton and Frederick Law Olmsted, enter New York State Writers Hall of Fame
Photos: New American Writers Museum in Chicago celebrates written word as a democratic medium