Edith Wharton, “In the North”
Mary McCarthy, “The Unspoiled Reaction”
Philip Roth, “Patrimony”
Alexander Hamilton, “Account of a Hurricane”
Loren Eiseley, “Barbed Wire and Brown Skulls”
Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Day Before the Revolution”
Jane Bowles, “A Stick of Green Candy”
Barbara Deming, “Southern Peace Walk: Two Issues or One?”
Henry David Thoreau, “A Walk to Wachusett”
John Quincy Adams, “This Whole Horrible Transaction”
Ambrose Bierce, “Chickamauga”
Anonymous, “Bombers Over London”
Alexander Hamilton, “Examine Well Your Heart”
Sarah Orne Jewett, “Decoration Day”
Louisa May Alcott, “My Girls”
Edward Lucas White, “Lukundoo”