“Wilhelmina,” Constance Fenimore Woolson
“A Respectable Woman,” Kate Chopin
“The Joy of Nelly Deane,” Willa Cather
“An Encounter with an Interviewer,” Mark Twain
“The Wickedest Woman in Larchmont,” S. J. Perelman
“The Lover and the Tell-Tale,” Stephen Crane
“It’s an Honor,” Jimmy Breslin
“Love in the Night,” F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Secret Paragraphs about My Brother,” Adrienne Kennedy
“Holding Up a Train,” O. Henry
“The Rockpile,” James Baldwin
“An Army with Banners,” James Weldon Johnson
“In Another Country,” Ernest Hemingway
“The Duel: ‘Once more Adieu,’” Alexander Hamilton
“Soldiers and Ghosts,” Ambrose Bierce
“The Adventure of the Popkins Family,” Washington Irving