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Black Writers of the Founding Era

Featuring more than 120 writers, this groundbreaking anthology reveals the astonishing richness and diversity of Black experience in the turbulent decades of the American Revolution
Edited by James G. Basker and Nicole Seary

Foreword by Annette Gordon-Reed

“A landmark contribution to our understanding of the era, opening readers’ eyes to important figures who, though not household names, are part of the founding generation. It will help spread a truth that has long been denied: The story of the Republic’s birth, and all the history that has followed, cannot be understood without listening to Black voices, which, in pushing toward a more perfect union, played a founding role in the America idea.”— Frank Barry, Bloomberg

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ISBN: 978-1-59853-734-5 767 pages

LOA books are distributed worldwide by Penguin Random House

N° 366 Library of America Series

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