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Edith Wharton: Novellas and Other Writings

Madame de Treymes | Ethan Frome | Summer | Old New York | The Mother’s Recompense | A Backward Glance | “Life and I” More
Edited by Cynthia Wolff

“The Library of America has now followed its initial Wharton collection, containing the major novels, with a second one devoted to her shorter fiction and autobiographical writings. . . . Edith Wharton’s triumph as an artist is finally that her personal quest for identity became the basis for a larger vision. Cynthia Griffin Wolff traces the writer’s evolution from emotionally disenfranchised child to completely realized novelist.” — New York Newsday

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ISBN: 978-0-94045053-0 1137 pages

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N° 47 Library of America Series

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