Back Complete Plays 1932–1943

Eugene O'Neill: Complete Plays 1932–1943

Ah, Wilderness! | Days Without End | A Touch of the Poet | More Stately Mansions | The Iceman Cometh | Hughie | Long Day’s Journey into Night | A Moon for the Misbegotten | “Tomorrow” (story)
Edited by Travis Bogard

“One measure of O’Neill’s supremacy is that while Long Day’s Journey into Night is the greatest American tragedy, Ah, Wilderness! may well be the greatest American comedy.” — Chicago Tribune

“The only American playwright, indeed, one of the few writers ever to have concluded his writing life with his greatest work.” — Tony Kushner, TLS

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ISBN: 978-0-94045050-9 1007 pages

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N° 42 Library of America Series

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