Is Library of America a library?
No, Library of America is not a physical venue. It is a nonprofit, mission-driven publisher created to help the public appreciate the illustrious achievements of the nation’s writers and to ensure that this writing continues to have a presence and prominence in our culture and around the world.
Who chooses the writers to be published in the series?
Library of America has a network of advisors around the country that include some of the nation’s most distinguished scholars and writers. Ideas and suggestions are reviewed by these advisors and LOA’s editorial team to determine the feasibility and need for a proposed title.
Why haven’t you published ______?
Library of America aims for inclusiveness, but there are often circumstances that prevent publication of a given writer or work. For instance, we may be unable to obtain necessary permissions from the copyright holder. Or, the writer in question may have only a small number of significant works that won’t fill an entire LOA volume. Or sometimes, we just haven’t gotten around to it—yet. The series is open-ended, which is to say we continue to add titles. We have a lot of work yet to do. If you have a specific writer in mind, feel free to e-mail us your suggestion.
Does Library of America publish children’s literature?
Yes, our catalog of Books for Young Readers includes classic writing by Madeleine L’Engle, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Louisa May Alcott, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Mark Twain.
May I suggest a favorite writer/work of mine?
Certainly! E-mail us at info@loa.org with your suggestions. We are always happy to hear from readers.
Where can I view Library of America’s Annual Report?
Please click here to see a copy of our current Annual Report.